Dribbling Covid-19: Challenges and dilemmas of an entrepreneur


Grezole Bruno1ORCID,Bueno Giovana1ORCID


1. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí


Objective: to investigate the motivations, profile and skills of the individual who chooses to undertake; promote reflection about the entrepreneur's position in the face of a major crisis; and seek an answer to the question: Is digital influencer to be an entrepreneur? Methodology/Approach: teaching case. Main results: in the “teaching notes”, discussions are suggested on entrepreneurship itself, the use of the business model and the internationalization of small companies. Theoretical and methodological contributions: the structure of the case contributes methodologically to the dynamics in the classroom, constituting one more tool for learning the subject in question. Relevance/originality: the case is relevant because it shows the story of an entrepreneur (Breno) who, after realizing his dream and creating a promising business (a travel agency), as a result of a major crisis (Covid-19, lockdown and its impact on the travel industry, as well as the depression and feeling of impotence generated by it), needs to reinvent himself professionally (becoming a successful online consultant for entrepreneurs). With the end of the pandemic and the resumption of business, the impasse arises: Remain as a digital influencer or reactivate the old company (since tourism has grown again)? Social contributions to management: the case shows the reality of the entrepreneur in Brazil and raises questions about the regulation of the digital influencer profession.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina


REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal

Reference36 articles.

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