The article, the purpose of which is a comparative analysis of the reindustrialization of national economies, analyzes the main approaches to understanding the concept of "reindustrialization", identifies the main features of the economic policy of reindustrialization in the context of the restoration and development of the industrial potential of the countries of the world. The main characteristics of reindustrialization are the restoration of production capacities, orientation towards high-tech production, innovative and technological modernization of production, and the development of collaboration between science and production. Based on the results of a hierarchical cluster analysis of the distribution of countries of the world according to the level of reindustrialization of national economies, five main groups of countries have been formed. The group of leading countries focusing on high-tech industries includes China, Germany, Great Britain, the United States, France, Switzerland, Japan, and others. Ukraine, according to the results of cluster analysis, is included in the block of countries with a low level of reindustrialization of the economy. The share of medium- and high-tech production for this group is almost two times less than that of highly reindustrialized ones. Based on the results of the study, the necessity is substantiated and the main mechanisms for enhancing the reindustrial renewal of the domestic economy are determined. A comparison of the results of economic development in the orientation to the agricultural sector and the application of the reindustrial concept of socio-economic development is carried out. It is shown that with the implementation of the economic policy of reindustrialization, orientation to the high-tech sector, digitalization, and digitalization, Ukraine can achieve economic growth by 5 times by 2045.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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