
Podkovka OlgaORCID, ,Makarchuk MykolaORCID,Filimonova NataliaORCID,Pampuha IhorORCID,Nikiforov MykolaORCID, , , ,


To discover age-related changes in the simple sensorimotor reaction (SSMR), choice reaction (CR), functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP) and brain productivity (BP), as well as to determine the stress index (SI) of regulatory systems during performance of these tests. Forty-seven healthy volunteers, representatives of military professions, aged 18–54 were divided into three groups (first group – 18–23 years, n=16; second group – 24– 34 years, n=19; third group – 35–54 years, n=12) and performed original computer tests to determine SSMR, CR, FMNP and BP. An electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded in parallel. Although the rate of SSMR and CR did not differ for participants of three groups, the SI was significantly higher in the third group, compared with the first group (p<0.01) during SSMR. During CR performance it was significantly higher for the third and second groups compared with the first one (p<0.01). The FMNP index was significantly higher in the third group compared to the first one (p<0.05), and BP had the highest values for the second group compared to the first one (p<0.01). During performance of BP test, the SI did not differ in three groups, and during the test for FMNP it was significantly higher in the third group compared to the first one (p<0.01). The effectiveness of simple tasks (SSMR and CR) does not change with age, but their level is maintained due to increase of the SI of regulatory systems, i.e. increasing sympathetic tone. The FMNP value mainly depends on the individual CNS characteristics than on age. The highest level of FMNP was in the elderly. They also had elevated levels of the SI of regulatory systems. The reason of this could be associated with the high activity of cortical neurons, which leads to intensification of metabolic processes and changes in the level of autonomic supply. The lowest level of relative error, i.e. the highest level of BP was found in the middle age group. At the same time, no differences were found in the SI of regulatory systems between servicemen of different age groups during BP test performance.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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