
,Chernysh R.ORCID


The article states that the latest information and communication technologies have significantly increased the dependence of each individual and society as a whole on the reliability and validity of the information used. These technologies have recently been actively used not only as a real social resource for human adaptation to life, but also as a means of manipulating consciousness. The tools and methods of information management of people are being scientifically substantiated and are becoming widespread. In the process of constant expansion of the information component, the percentage of solving everyday practical problems due to specialized information obtained from mass media and communication is constantly increasing. The consciousness of man and society is increasingly subordinated to the ideas promoted by mass media. And this, in turn, makes a person open and defenseless against manipulative technologies. Taking into account the above, the purpose of the article is to study the instruments of destructive influence on the state security of Ukraine in the information sphere. It is claimed that, taking into account the significant consolidation of the Ukrainian people, as well as the significant strengthening of the defense potential of our state, representatives of the special services of the russian federation are resorting to new forms and methods of war – the transition from open armed confrontation in the east and south to efforts to shake the socio-political situation from within Ukraine, including through destructive information influence. It is noted that currently most scientists do not classify the tools of destructive information influence as a separate institution. The indicated problems are considered through the prism of the analysis of the tools of the Russian information war. In the final part, it is stated that the results of the analysis of the tools of destructive information influence show that they can be used individually and comprehensively. The determining factors in the process of their selection are precisely the individual characteristics of the object of influence – a person or society. Depending on the global goal of destructive information influence, its tools can be aimed at: citizens in the conflict zone; citizens of the state against which informational aggression is being carried out, but on whose territory, there is no conflict; citizens of the aggressor country; the international community, etc. Today, almost all channels of modern communication are used to implement tools of destructive informational influence.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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