Image strategies of Ukraine: media linguistic discourse


Pliasun Olga1ORCID


1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Globalization processes of the information era, mediatization of modern society make it possible to apply to image new methods of analysis. Since today’s state image is formed in media space, media linguistic area of image research seems to be one of the most promising. The relevant problem is connected with formation of effective image strategies, which we define as complex image actions, tactics, technologies etc. aimed at creating a successful image. The article analyzes innovative scientific investigations on image issues of leading world (A. Cheddad, J. Condell, K. Curranand, P. McKevitt, P. Diaz Rodriguez) and Ukrainian (H. Shevchenko, I. Kysarets, I. Lysychkina, O. Dobrozhanska, V. Fedorova) linguists. The author focuses on media discourse of image studies (works by V. Chekalyuk, I. Valevska etc.). It is postulated that media linguistic aspect of imageology is only developing and is considered mainly in the context of suggestive linguistics. The image potential of emotional-evaluative constructions, therapeutic metaphors / texts, reclamation lexems, verbalizers with positive semantics etc is determined. According to the author’s argumentation, such language formulas have strong suggestive properties. The linguistic component of state image strategies implementation is analyzed. The author states that in Ukrainian media space the strategies of positive self-presentation, highlighting uniqueness and appealing to values can be quite effective. The scholar studies the linguistic resource of image publications about Ukraine on official government pages in social networks (Facebook and Twitter). The author systematically proves that image strategies in modern communication achieve maximum effect when verbal communication is accompanied by visualization of image symbols, situations and associations. Thus, an effective image mark is created, where there is a sublimation of meaning and expression, which can be considered a certain suggestive ideal in modern media.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Medicine

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