
Tolok I.V., ,Banzak G.V.,Leschenko O.I., ,


Complex technical objects in modern society are extremely important. Such objects belong to the class of recoverable objects of long-term multiple uses. They tend to be expensive and require significant maintenance costs. To ensure the required level of reliability during their operation, maintenance is usually carried out, the essence of which is the timely preventive replacement of elements that are in a pre-failure state. The problem is that when developing such facilities, all issues related to maintainability and maintenance should be addressed already at the early stages of designing the facility. If you do not provide in advance the necessary hardware and software for integrated monitoring of the technical condition (TC) of the object, do not develop and “embed” the maintenance technology into the object, then it will not be possible to realize in the future a possible gain in the reliability of object due to maintenance. Since all these issues must be resolved at the stage of creating an object (when the object does not yet exist), mathematical models of the maintenance process are needed, with the help of which it would be possible to calculate the possible gain in the level of reliability of object due to maintenance, to estimate the cost costs required for this. Then, based on such calculations, make a decision on the need for maintenance for this type of objects and, if such a decision is made, develop the structure of the maintenance system, choose the most appropriate maintenance strategy, and determine its optimal parameters.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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