
Sheminov O.E.ORCID, ,


Based on the results of the research, an analysis of modern approaches to defining the essence of the category "digitalization" was carried out according to the views of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as authoritative institutions and organizations, as a result of which it was established that there is no single approach to the concept of digitalization in scientific literature yet; It was determined that the Networked Readiness Index can be used to characterize the degree of digital development of the socio-economic sphere, which is a generally recognized international indicator and is considered an indicator of the innovative and technological potential of countries and their development opportunities in the field of high technologies and the digital economy; analyzed index of network readiness for Ukraine in comparison with countries-leaders of development in the digital sphere; It was established that the following features are characteristic of the modern digitized labor market: an increase in the volume of work performed due to the use of digital technologies; increasing the number of electronic labor exchanges (intermediaries between employees and employers); growth of the total number of independent self-employed freelance professionals; spread of new forms of work based on the conclusion of contracts for temporary employment, zero employment contracts; the spread of crowdsourcing. The author's understanding of the concept of "digitalization of work" is offered, which is defined in the article as the transformation of the process of performing various types of work by employees, methods of performance, and traditional workplaces (mostly remotely from the location of the employer), which is associated with new areas of knowledge (big data, social networks, e-commerce, robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.) based on the use of digital technologies and mobile applications, through electronic labor exchanges, etc. The classification of new forms of labor relations of employees under the influence of digitalization was carried out according to such signs of transformational changes of work as: workplace, work schedule, method of hiring an employee and characteristics of the human factor.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Automotive Engineering

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