
Tulush L.D.ORCID, ,Radchenko O.D.ORCID,


The article discusses the features of financial support for the agricultural sector under martial law to ensure food security. The normative definition of food security and its changes in accordance with the challenges of our time are analyzed. The positions of Ukraine and individual countries on the GFSI Global Food Security Index in 2018 and 2022 are considered and a pattern is determined that since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has decreased in the ranking position from 63 to 71 place, but continues to import products to countries that occupy a significantly higher position in the ranking food security. Systematized financial measures to ensure the food security of Ukraine under martial law. The state, dynamics and trends of financial support and individual indicators of the financial potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in 2018-2022 are analyzed. ., when its share in the budget was more than 1%. The rating of regions of Ukraine according to the state of production and the level of budget support has been determined. It has been established that most regions are financed in proportion to production volumes, but there are regions where funding is ahead: Ternopil, Volyn, Sumy regions; or production: Kirovograd, Chernihiv, Dnepropetrovsk regions. In the context of a reduction in budgetary financing of the industry due to the need to direct spending on defense and security, the social sphere and debt servicing, the sources of increasing the volume of state financial support for the development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine are the resources of the global financial market, international borrowings and donor funds. In 2022, programs for financing the industry at the expense of donor funds for UAH 1.5 billion are provided, and their expansion is expected in 2023. Based on the assessment of foreign experience of Checkoff, possible directions for expanding sources of support for domestic enterprises that form value chains in the field of food security are analyzed. Proposed measures to be taken to overcome existing problems and ensure the further development of the agricultural sector and ensure food security in Ukraine. State financial support for the agricultural sector under martial law provides for the improvement of legislation in order to generate additional financial resources by optimizing tax, budgetary and investment regulation, simplifying the requirements for doing agricultural business, resolving problems with logistics and export of agro-industrial products, mitigating the impact of inflation and foreign exchange pressure The results of this study can be used in the formation of a package of state support measures for the agricultural sector, detailing directions and programs, as well as distributing funds across agricultural regions.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Automotive Engineering

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