
,Varnalii Z.S.ORCID,Mykytiuk O.P.ORCID, ,Onysenko T.S.ORCID, ,Plieshakova N.A.ORCID,


The innovative management of social security entails active leadership involvement in fostering employee initiatives, cultivating a conducive environment for creativity, and implementing innovative strategies to enhance working conditions and employee welfare. This is why the authors delve into pertinent issues surrounding personnel social security within Ukrainian enterprises amidst wartime, exploring innovative approaches to managing such security. The research aims to analyze contemporary challenges regarding human social security within enterprises, which gain newfound significance in times of war and subsequent recovery. Amidst the backdrop of innovation and technological advancement, this issue assumes greater importance, necessitating effective tools and systems to support citizens. Recent social crises such as the coronavirus pandemic and military aggression from Russia have prompted a transformation in social security, with an increasing focus on military defense and physical safety. Traditionally, human social security encompasses safeguarding citizens' interests, rights, freedoms, and providing psychological support. Of particular concern is the establishment of a specialized social security system within enterprises to ensure employees' protection and well-being. Under normal circumstances, the enterprise's social security system constitutes a stable framework continually enhanced through the introduction of new tools and functionalities. Safeguarding human social security within enterprises amidst geostrategic threats necessitates thorough analysis and effective measures to uphold peace and stability. The research assesses factors influencing the level of social security for enterprise personnel, highlighting the role of creativity as a transformative instrument in shaping and reshaping human social security systems. It is evident that creativity can be harnessed through the available intellectual potential within the enterprise. These transformative processes are particularly pertinent for relocated enterprises grappling with wartime challenges while adequately addressing the social needs of their personnel. The outcome of the article is the provision of recommendations for establishing an effective system of human social security at the organizational level, integrating elements of creativity and innovative approaches into the enterprise's social infrastructure to ensure its sustainable development and welfare.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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