
Karyuk V.I.1ORCID


1. KROK University of Economics and Law


According to the results of the study, an analysis of modern forms of e-commerce in Ukraine, based on which the most popular e-traders in the domestic market and their business models; An econometric model for forecasting e-commerce volumes in Ukraine has been built, which has a high coefficient of determination and is adequate according to Fisher's criterion, which allows to take into account its forecasts for 2021-2023 and indicates that if the identified trend continues to be confirmed, in Ukraine there will be opportunities to make a breakthrough in this direction; As a result of the SWOT analysis, it was determined that the development of trade via the World Wide Web in Ukraine has significant shortcomings and threats, but is one of the most promising types of business in the future; The study identified the role and positive impact of domestic marketplaces on the development of E-commerce in various segments of the economy; The closure of offline non-food stores and establishments in various areas of services (entertainment centers, catering establishments) on the basis of government requirements has resulted not only in increasing the popularity of existing marketplaces and social networks, but also forced many retailers to start traditional outlets. or develop existing online stores; Taking into account the analysis of the main trends in the development of e-commerce in Ukraine, the following long-term prospects for e-commerce are formed: the constant growth of Internet users significantly expands opportunities to attract consumers of goods and services; the consciousness of consumers is changing day by day towards the tendency to implement information technology in all spheres of life; the e-commerce entity always has the potential to expand by covering new, different from the usual, market segments; enterprise management is not limited by time or space.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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