
,Grishnova OlenaORCID,Chubuk LesiaORCID, ,Stasiuk KaterynaORCID,


The purpose of the article is to assess the negative effects of the war on the economic activity of enterprises, generalize the best experience of adaptation measures and methods of survival of enterprises in wartime, ways of preserving human capital. On this basis, the formation of proposals for innovative organizational measures for enterprises of the IT sector and other areas of the economy in order to ensure the functioning of enterprises and personnel support. In the course of the study the basic methods of economic analysis (systematization, generalization, comparative analysis) is used to highlight the distinctive features of the traditional economic crisis and the wartime crisis, revealed foreign experience regarding priority programs and tools for supporting the war economy. Statistical analysis and analysis of the regulatory and legal framework are applied in the study of the influence of the state of war on the activities of domestic enterprises, critical analysis of the methodological and organizational basis of the methodology for assessing losses caused by damage to the property of enterprises. In order to aggregate the experience of adaptation measures and staff support of domestic enterprises, an author's expert survey is conducted, and the data summarization method also used. The article highlights the results of the study of the problems of the functioning of enterprises during the war and the adaptation measures they resort to in order to preserve human capital. A comparative analysis of the traditional crisis and the crisis caused by war are carried out according to various characteristics – causes of occurrence, duration, scale, possibility of localization of negative consequences, availability of infrastructure, workforce and client base – with a special emphasis on their impact on human capital. The typical difficulties faced by enterprises are revealed, and the destructive effects of the war on the functioning of enterprises are assessed. There are summarized critical comments regarding the method of determining damage and the amount of damage based on the assessment of property destroyed during hostilities, and given conceptual proposals for its improvement. Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic experience of supporting economic activity in war conditions, relocation programs, the activities of enterprises and their personnel, there is proposed a systematized list of measures to prevent the negative impact of war on the activities of enterprises and the preservation of human capital.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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