The activities of modern enterprises are affected by both new opportunities and challenges. An example of the challenges for global business was the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and related quarantine restrictions. The negative macroeconomic and microeconomic consequences of the pandemic significantly worsened the financial and economic situation of enterprises, led to changes in consumer behavior. Businesses are forced to look for tools to stimulate economic development and increase competitiveness. The development of scientific and technological progress, digitalization make available the use of Internet technologies, in particular in the field of marketing. In Ukraine, as well as around the world, Internet marketing is becoming widespread. At the same time, the possibilities of such an innovation as social media marketing have not yet been properly implemented. Social networks have been created as a tool of entertainment; have become a powerful tool for marketing. They play an important role in establishing business relationships with customers. Social media in today's environment is more popular than traditional media. The use of SMM accelerates the sale of products and services, reduces marketing costs and better implementation of all marketing processes. Social networks allow you to quickly find people depending on interests, age and other parameters, create groups and inform potential consumers about various new products. Advertising on social networks is usually not as intrusive as on other resources and is targeted to a target audience, which is selected by a large number of parameters. To confirm the thesis that SMM is an important tool for the competitiveness of the enterprise in today's challenges, a study was conducted on the basis of the cheese brand - TM "Laguna" of the company "Food Production Ukraine". Analysis of the results of the study showed that "Laguna" in the eyes of consumers is associated with an inexpensive product of relatively low quality, with a "copy" of well-known global brands and loses to them in sophistication. . Given the limited use of offline marketing in quarantine, it was decided to develop a set of actions to influence the consumer through Internet resources. Improvements in SMM have ensured that people are sympathetic to the manufacturer and the product itself.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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