
,Skliaruk I.P.ORCID,Hvenetadze L.T.,


The article considers the role of information technologies in accounting, reporting and management of business processes of business entities, focusing on the challenges and prospects of automation in these areas, the rapid pace of development of information technologies and their impact on optimization and problem solving in modern society. The current trends in the development and possibilities of using information technology in accounting and business management are analysed. The theoretical and practical aspects of information technologies, problems of their use are revealed and proposals on possible ways to solve them are formulated. The main advantages and disadvantages of using information technology and process automation are presented. Possible obstacles arising from the automation of business process accounting are highlighted, classifying them into four key areas: improving the quality of information, saving time and labour costs, efficiency and relevance of data, and strengthening control. The article highlights the main characteristics and features of an automated company accounting system in the context of global digitalization, which contribute to the establishment of an automated process of collecting, structuring and processing accounting data. Attention is focused on the use of remote technologies based on software and hardware solutions, and the advantages of these technologies, such as cost reduction, access from any device, and real-time synchronization of changes, are presented. Possible information security problems when using remote services are noted. Certain aspects are highlighted, failure to comply with which may lead to the risk of data loss, violation of their integrity and confidentiality, etc. Prospects for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems are considered. It is shown how the knowledge base and self-learning capabilities of AI systems can contribute to the construction of integrated management systems and solve problems of various aspects of accounting and management. Attention is paid to the problem of cybersecurity and the importance of computer security measures to prevent the risks of loss and distortion of information is emphasized.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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