Features of the melanin producer Pseudonadsoniella brunnea under the influence of nitrate lead


Kondratiuk T.1,Sobko V.1,Beregova T.1,Ostapchenko L.1


1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The features of Antarctic black yeast fungus Pseudonadsoniella brunnea (melanin producer) under the influence of heavy metals (lead salts) are studied. It is found that Ps. brunnea does not lose viability and developing under the conditions of nitrate content of lead concentrations of 100, 200, 500, 750 and 1000 mg / l (in terms of metal cation) in the environment. Solid and liquid culture media were used for the cultivation of Ps. brunnea. Spectrophotometric research methods were used within this study. The intensity of the synthesis of melanin by black fungi under the influence of lead nitrate was determined as a percentage relative to the control variant (media without adding metal). Indicated that Ps. brunnea undergos morphological changes under exposure to heavy metals. Increasing in pigmentation of cultures studied (melanin biosynthesis) was observed with the concentration of 500-1000 mg / l Pb2+. Increased activity endofosfataz (acidic and neutral) in Antarctic black yeast fungi Ps. brunnea in conditions of the development under the influence of toxic metals is also shown. The described parameters can be considered as significant properties that contribute to the stability of Ps. brunnea to the effects of stress factors such as toxic metals.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Medicine,General Chemistry

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