Rural green tourism in Ukraine is a strategic component of the development rural areas


,Batychenko S.ORCID,Melnyk L.ORCID,


The article discloses theoretical issues related to rural green tourism. The concept of rural green tourism is revealed, as well as its types of purpose and the level of activity of tourists (active-sports, active-educational, passive). The main prerequisites for the development and functioning of rural green tourism within Ukraine are determined. A distinctive feature of rural green tourism has been determined, namely, the tourist's stay in an ecologically clean environment, located in a certain area far from the urbanized environment with the possibility of direct participation in agricultural processes. The types of rural green tourism that are presented on the Ukrainian tourist market are described. Namely, agrotourism, which is a type of rural green tourism of both an educational and recreational nature, associated with the use of household farms or lands of agricultural enterprises, which are temporarily not used in the agrarian sphere. Recreational tourism using the capital housing fund on the estates of the owners and the available natural, recreational, historical-architectural, cultural-domestic and other assets of one or another area. Ecotourism, which is a scientific and educational type of rural green tourism, characteristic of rural areas and villages located within the territories of national parks, protected areas, natural parks, etc., where appropriate restrictions on loads on the territory and regulated types of recreational recreation are provided. The positive impact of rural green tourism on the development and functioning of rural areas is singled out. The problems of the development of rural green tourism within the territory of Ukraine are highlighted. As well as the specified prospects and strategic goals of the development of rural green tourism.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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