
Kotlyar Yuriy1ORCID


1. Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University


The article considers the problem of Ukrainian state formation that is studied by applying a synergetic method. One of the founders of synergetics, the Belgian chemist and philosopher Ilya Prigogine,has pointed out that history is a sequence of bifurcations. The situation in Ukraine requires an objective comprehension of national statehood not only in terms of content and structure, but also in terms of time. For this reason, the use of the synergetic method can ensure the choice of its most advanced models for the future. The research article is purposed at determining the different levels of «bifurcation points» in the history of Ukrainian state formation. The author sets the following tasks: to disclose the European context of essence of the synergetic method; to highlight the features of the four stages of Ukrainian state formation; to calculate a number of key dates that have become a kind of symbol of Ukrainian state forming; and to show the impact of «bifurcation points» on the statehood processes. The study uses such scientific methods as analytical, comparative-historical, chronological and synergetic (for the analysis of numerical models of historical dates). In the current research, the author proceeds from the fact that «bifurcation points» have taken place in the history of Ukrainian state forming. Moreover, their exploration, which is based on the synergetic method, has scientific nature. A number of key dates, which became symbolic for the Ukrainian state formation, has been identified. «Bifurcation points» of the first level that concern the Ukrainian state forming include the following dates: 1199, 1648, 1919 and 1991, which contain the numbers«1» and «9» in different variations (explicitly or implicitly). Their presence led to the existence of four stages of Ukrainian state formation: princely, Cossack, national-democratic and modern ones. «Bifurcation points» of the second level include the dates that contain the numbers«7» (1169, 1349 and 1709) as an internal component and symbolize the negative processes in the history of Ukrainian statehood. However, changes with the numerical code 7 are not critical, and the elements of statehood have existed for decades in the form of autonomy. The third level of «bifurcation points» should include dates with the interweaving of the numbers«5» and «6»: 1569, 1596 and 1659. The events that took place at those points were inevitably negative.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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