1. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Reproductive, surrogate, abortion and other types of medical tourism are evidence of the demand for certain practices and unresolved biopolitical issues at the level of legislation of different countries with different attitudes to socio-economic and biological inequality. Ukraine is remaining the center of world reproductive tourism. In the large cities of Ukraine, the reproductive business is developing and there are clinics that provide services using assisted reproductive technologies. This actualizes the problem of unresolved biopolitical issues and strengthens their impact on surrogacy practices in Ukraine. Needs of deep socio-philosophical analyses of problems of surrogacy is reasoned, especially when it comes to ethics of risk. It is noted that laws which rule surrogacy, lags behind reproductive and social practices and needs. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the legislation in biopolitics is relevant for a short time: to a new stage of development of technological potentiality. Legislation on surrogacy in Ukraine is more regulated and in part more progressive than in many countries around the world, and based on genetic relatedness. The challenges and threats to the Ukrainian society, which are hiding in prohibitive legislative initiatives in the field of reproduction, have been clarified. An analysis of recent abolitionist initiatives, including those from religious organizations, has been conducted. It has been shown that the protection against exploitation invoked by abolitionists is achieved in a clearly disproportionate and burdensome way for women themselves. Conclusion that in order to avoid negative biopolitical scenarios, Ukrainian society should avoid moral panic, form a special respect for technology and scientific knowledge, recognize the authority of socio-humanitarian research and appreciate data obtained by scientists have been done.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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