The Ukrainian emigrant press in Germany after Second World War (1945–1948) as a source for investigation of historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian diaspora


Kuzina Natalia1ORCID


1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The collection of periodicals of camps for displaced persons and the Ukrainian emigrant press are considered as a study source for investigation of historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian Diaspora. It is highlighted that despite challenging conditions after the Second World War, the Ukrainian emigrants cared not only about material needs, but also preserved national cultural heritage. It is argued that the process mentioned above took place in constant struggle with the Soviet repressive system, which aspired to bring back as many displaced persons as possible. However, deliberate Ukrainian intellectuals had different political views but were united by the Ukrainian national idea and created significant historical and cultural heritage after the Second World War, particularly in Germany, part of the heritage was described on the pages of periodicals of the Ukrainian Diaspora. Number and social composition of the Ukrainian emigrants after the Second World War in Germany and Austria is analyzed on the basis of the periodicals, particularly «The Bulletin of Information Help Service». Establishment of educational institutions, archives and libraries in 1945–1948 in Germany is described. Considerable attention is paid to analysis of periodical the «UFAS Chronicle», and investigation of activities of the museum-archive, scientific library and «The Society for the Protection of Ukrainian Heritage Abroad» of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Science in Germany is based on these materials. Significant attention should be drawn to activities of the Scientific and Research Institute of the Ukrainian Martyrology of the Ukrainian Political Prisoners League. Study of the Ukrainian Diaspora periodicals enables to formulate source study vision for students to understand participation of Diaspora in preservation of the heritage and ways of utilization in tourist activities.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Reference14 articles.

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1. UKRAINIAN EMIGRATION IN GERMANY (2014-2023);The Journal of Ukrainian History;2023

2. Printed publications of Ukrainian diaspora in post-Soviet countries: from creation to present;Rukopisna ta knižkova spadŝina Ukraïni;2022-06-15







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