1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article is devoted to the generalization of information about the image of the “ideal” or “good” mother and its implementation in advertising practice. The authors analyzed the evolution of this image in the media space from the concept of traditionalism (woman who is realized exclusively in the family and motherhood) to the concept of neo-traditionalism (mother, who has time for everything, including the professional sphere and the sphere of self-fulfillment). There is an increase in value of egalitarian models (partnership distribution of roles and functions between husband and wife) and the presentation of realistic ideas about a “non-ideal” mother in foreign practice. However, this trend is much less common in the Ukrainian advertising space. The authors found the most common images of mothers in Ukrainian advertising: “Selfless”, “Caring”, “Balanced”, “Hedonic”, “Rebellious” and “Supervisory” and analyzed the peculiarities of their use, the intensity of presentation, the relationship with the advertised product. The authors found that conservative images of mothers (family oriented, selfless, caring, able to keep everything under control) are generally positively perceived by the target audience. Images that are distant from such traditionalist cliché (innovative, self-centered, hedonic) are rated worse. The authors demonstrated the relationship between mothers’ individual characteristics and their tendency to favor a particular character in advertising. Women, who are more experienced, self-sufficient, tend to rely on their own experience prefer less conservative advertising images (“Balanced”, and “Hedonic”). Less experienced women, who are guided by externalities experience, are focused exclusively on child, perceive positively traditionalist images “Selfless” and “Supervisory” mother.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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