Following development of the linguistics of lying this article examines neologisms denoting fraud and deception. Meanings of neologisms are analysed using enumeration as a means to organise, structure and represent information. Due to changes in the media and the development of information and communication technologies the notions of lying, fraud and deception take on new forms. The active use of social networks and the Internet by society is primarily reflected in language by means of neologisms. We define “neologism” as a recently introduced or existing word or phrase that names a new phenomenon or concept but is still not actively used by most members of the speech community. Definitions of neologisms are fixed in dictionary entries. The meanings, found in the definitions of neologisms, acquire their further development in discourse, the study of which we carry out using enumeration as a means to structure and represent information. The ability of enumeration to structure knowledge and represent information is reasoned by its cognitive nature, which is based on the processes of classification, conceptualisation and categorisation. In discourse enumeration is represented by semantically homogeneous and heterogeneous enumeration series. The structure of enumeration series is represented by two components – linear and hierarchical. Such neologisms as “rinsta”, “finsta”, “account takeover”, “account compromise”, “account hijacking”, “login fraud” and “greenwashing” are considered in the sphere of online and business communication. Enumeration structures and represents conceptual information based on the analysis of the following neologisms in the discourse.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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