
Piontkivska OlenaORCID, ,Nesterenko SofiiaORCID,


The article highlights two issues relevant to Ukraine – domestic violence and protection of the rights and freedoms of the LGBT community. The emphasis in the article is on highlighting the results of a study devoted to the study of domestic violence cases among LGBT youth. Although today, there is already a sufficient number of works revealing the content of prevention of domestic violence, the child's belonging to the LGBT community as a possible reason for violence by parents has been studied relatively little. The main tool of empirical research was an electronic survey in the form of a questionnaire, which respondents filled out online. The research found that domestic violence may exist due to a person's membership in the LGBT community. 48% of the study participants answered that they experienced domestic violence from their parents or close relatives because they are a member of the LGBT community or, for example, because they do not meet their parents' expectations. Most often it is psychological violence (97.8%), which is carried out by the mother (78% of cases), father (56%) or grandmother (22%). Also found that another problem faced by LGBT youth and in which the issue of violence is often present is the process of coming out to the family about their belonging to the LGBT community. In this light, a significant area of work for psychologists and social workers is the issue of parents' acceptance of their children's belonging to the LGBT community, which can be a significant step in preventing domestic violence. The article also emphasizes the low awareness of young people about organizations and specialists who work with LGBT youth. 51.5% of the study participants do not know who they can turn to for help. This prompts the search for new strategies to overcome and prevent this phenomenon.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Medicine

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