The work is devoted to the research of features of spatio-temporal distribution of cases of mass deposition of ice in the category of DP (dangerous) and SHP (spontaneous) during the last three decades (1991-2020). NE and SGYA) on the territory of Ukraine for a certain period of time. The study was based on materials for monitoring ice deposits on a standard ice machine at all meteorological stations in Ukraine. It was found that cases of mass distribution of ice deposits in the category of NE and OHS are more common in the winter months of December-January and November. The increase in the number of cases of mass deposition of NY ice in January, March and November 2011-2020 compared to 2001-2010 has been proved. Spatial differentiation on the territory of Ukraine of such cases during separate ten-year periods, which characterize the current state of climate of Ukraine, is revealed. From the above we can draw conclusions, namely Given the above, we can draw a number of conclusions, namely Cases of mass deposition of ice category DP (dangerous) are more common in the winter months, especially in December and January. There is a certain redistribution of the number of cases of mass deposition of ice in the category of NO for some of the studied decades. The increase in the number of such cases in January 2001-2010 and 2011-2020 compared to the first decade of 1991-2000 and a certain increase in the number of cases in November compared to 2001-2010. in the last decade, their number decreased in February, especially compared to 2001-2010, and in December compared to the same period. For the most part, the duration of cases of mass deposition of ice category DP is 2-3 days, which is typical for all 3 studied decades. In the longest and most common cases, the duration can be 4-5 or more days (8-9). It is established that in 2001-2010 and 2011-2020 longer cases of mass spread of postponed ice of the DP category were revealed in comparison with 1991-2000. It is proved that in the case of mass deposition of ice of the DP category, such deposits are mostly observed in the central, southern and eastern regions. Among them are Kirovohrad, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Cases of mass deposition of ice in the category of SHP during the studies for decades are more common in November and December, but some of them were observed in January and February. According to the spatial distribution in cases of mass nature of ice deposits of the SHP category, they are observed in the territory from 2 to 3-4 oblasts, but there are larger ones. The most common were 2 cases in 1991-2000 (25.11.-7.12.2000) and in 2011-2020 (17-20.01.2014) which spread to 8 oblasts. Mostly with the mass distribution of ice deposits of the SHP category, they are found in a number of regions – west-northwest – Carpathian region – Precarpathia (and partly Polissya); center – Vinnytsia region, south of Kirovohrad region and south-southeast of Dnipropetrovsk region, center of Zaporizhia; southwest-south – most of Odessa region, south of Mykolayiv region, south-southeast of Kherson region
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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