
Anakhov P. V.1


1. National Power Company Ukrenergo


In linear theory the formation of extreme waves their existence is interpreted as a local superposition of surface monochromatic waves. Natural water areas are resonators that have their own set of natural oscillations – standing waves of stable spatial structure and fixed period. In the spectra of waves of many water bodies of World Ocean observed double high waves, this is explained by the tidal-seiche resonance. During a storm, the energy of natural oscillations increases ten times the background energy, during a tsunami it can increase up to three orders of magnitude. Examples of the effects of natural oscillations on the coast are given, and it is reported about the increased probability of the occurrence on the coast freak waves. Additionally, it is noted that natural oscillations in water mass are a normal state for any body of water at any time of its existence. The corresponding indices of the water fluctuations of the water basins are given. The events of extreme waves during the accidents at DniproHES (Zaporizhia) on August 18, 1941, and the Kurenivsky dam (Kyiv) on March 13, 1961, are presented. The excitement of the freak wave can be interpreted as enhancing the natural oscillations of the water basin, represented by standing waves of stable spatial structure, fixed period and high probability of waves in the water body. This does not contradict the linear theory of the resonant formation of abnormally high waves. The purpose of the article is to investigate possible sources of the excitement of freak waves, the results are proposed to be implemented in the development of countermeasures to the destructive process. However, the waves carry out both destructive and creative work. A task is presented, which involves the development of measures to stimulate extreme waves. This will increase electricity generation. Affiliation of dam-break waves to freak waves can be doubtful. However, they formally correspond to the classical condition of double exceeding the significant wave height. Most water basins are integral anthropogenic sites. The variability of both natural and anthropogenic environments forces the overriding of systematization and definition. It is proposed to attribute extreme waves of dam-break waves to freak waves.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Materials Chemistry

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