1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The impact of organizational culture on administrative efficiency is a little-studied scientific problem in the field of public administration in Ukraine. Although public administration is being reformed in Ukraine, little attention is being paid to this problem. However, scholars pay attention to the culture of the organization as an economic phenomenon. Various aspects of organizational culture as a transcultural phenomenon are considered. The authors note that organizations in the economic sector quickly took an active position in the use of organizational culture. Organizational culture is studied as an important factor in forming and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises due to the possibility of influencing administrative efficiency. The public sector views administrative efficiency differently: as a social platform for employed citizens. As a result, numerous problems of low administrative efficiency of public sector organizations, unreasonable huge costs, and losses are a burden on the public budget. As a result, inefficient use of public finances delays the socio-economic development of society.
This paper discusses the possible causes of this situation. First, cultural management practices in public sector organizations in such societies are deeply rooted in a traditional management culture that has a strong bureaucratic basis. Administrative efficiency is seen not as a result but as a process. Secondly, in the field of science of public administration and administration, the scientific and methodological support of the study of administrative efficiency is insufficiently developed. The authors argue that the study, conceptualization, and operationalization of the impact of organizational culture on administrative efficiency in the context of socio-economic development of a developing country or region is an important scientific problem in public administration (for example, Ukraine, Iraqi Kurdistan). Thus, this study is aimed at developing theoretical and methodological support for the study of assessing the direct and indirect effects of organizational culture on organizational activities and administrative efficiency in the public sector. The example of Ukraine and Iraqi Kurdistan are two different traditions of organizational culture with a common problem of low administrative efficiency. The authors propose research that covers the descriptive design of a methodology for studying the impact of organizational culture on administrative efficiency: first, the analysis of the concept of administrative efficiency, and secondly, the analysis of the concept of organizational culture in relation to administrative efficiency.
Methodology: analysis and synthesis when considering strategies, programs, ratings of public sector organizations, in particular, ministries, departments, local governments, which allow analyzing the main directions of reform activities and scientific support of research on the impact of organizational culture on administrative efficiency; methods of systematization and comparison, which were used in determining the nature and features of the impact of organizational culture on administrative efficiency.
It is emphasized that such research will provide a deeper understanding of organizational culture and its relationship to administrative efficiency in the public sector. This will have a positive impact on the development of strategies and policies for governance reform and socio-economic development in developing countries and regions.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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