
Kutepova MarynaORCID,


The main purpose of the article is to analyze the devolutionary processes in Great Britain, which have intensified and institutionalized since the late twentieth century and continue to the present days, as well as their impact on the political and socio-economic development of its member countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are scientific methods and methodological approaches to understanding the process of interaction of public authorities under conditions of devolution. An important condition of the chosen research strategy is the observance of the principles of objectivity, multifactoriality and systematicity. The study is based on methodological principles of a systematic approach. Using a systems approach makes it possible to study the interaction of public authorities in the UK in the context of devolution as a single system. Based on the fact that devolution involves the creation of certain institutions, as well as institutional adaptation to a management system that adapts to new conditions, the main methodological approach to analysis was the institutional approach. The article emphasizes that for a long time the United Kingdom has been a model of decentralized political governance based on the culture of civil society and the representation of local interests in the national government. To a large extent, Britain's sustainable development depends on a periodic political compromise. It can alleviate the main contradiction of the British political system – the dichotomy of the principles of the supremacy of parliament and regional self-government. It is proved that the decentralization of public administration in the UK means the devolution of central government and increasing the responsibility of local government in the expansion and development of various forms of interaction between state and society. In general, the process of decentralization of power in the UK is complex and ambiguous one. The process of devolution in the UK is characterized by asymmetry, as evidenced by the lack of legislative powers of England. In this context, it is stated that the procedure of interaction between public authorities at different levels is not well established. Today there is a significant number of control functions, levers of administrative and financial pressure on central offices, as well as the lack of clear recommendations by which local authorities could determine what is within their competence and address urgent issues more effectively.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Medicine

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