The article analyzes the concept of process management in an industrial enterprise, which provides functional stability of technological processes using information systems of various types and allows to increase productivity of all production centers while reducing the number of people employed in production and the impact of various destabilizing factors. The research of existing mathematical models of functionally stable complex technical systems and formalization of the main types of procedures of the process of functioning of the intellectual information system of the enterprise is carried out. The method of ensuring the properties of functional stability of the intelligent information system of the enterprise is improved by presenting the functioning of the system in the form of a formalized process, in which the main types of procedures are accumulation of tests, analysis of test links, diagnosing a failed module and restoring the system. This technique allows to ensure the property of functional stability of the information system of the enterprise.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Medical Assisting and Transcription,Medical Terminology
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