The uniform strong law of large numbers without any assumption on a family of sets


Bogdanskii V. Yu.1ORCID,Klesov O. I.1ORCID


1. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


We study the sums of identically distributed random variables whose indices belong to certain sets of a given family A in R^d, d >= 1. We prove that sums over scaling sets S(kA) possess a kind of the uniform in A strong law of large numbers without any assumption on the class A in the case of pairwise independent random variables with finite mean. The well known theorem due to R. Bass and R. Pyke is a counterpart of our result proved under a certain extra metric assumption on the boundaries of the sets of A and with an additional assumption that the underlying random variables are mutually independent. These assumptions allow to obtain a slightly better result than in our case. As shown in the paper, the approach proposed here is optimal for a wide class of other normalization sequences satisfying the Martikainen–Petrov condition and other families A. In a number of examples we discuss the necessity of the Bass–Pyke conditions. We also provide a relationship between the uniform strong law of large numbers and the one for subsequences.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Medical Assisting and Transcription,Medical Terminology







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