Practical implementation of PR tools in the system of social communications of higher education institutions (on the example of top universities in Ukraine and in the world)


Sabadash MariiaORCID,


The article considers the most used PR tools in the system of social communications of higher education institutions on the example of top universities in Ukraine and the world. Using the methods of comparative analysis, monitoring and modeling, the paper analyzes the main differences between foreign and domestic approaches to using PR tools. It was revealed that foreign universities start working with their audience much earlier – even at a time when future applicants study in secondary or junior school. That is, the foreign institutions of higher education create special online courses from teachers for younger audiences, recommend educational platforms, and establish communication with parents, who, in turn, can influence future applicants. In addition, the world‘s leading universities cooperate with the school teachers who, as a part of vocational guidance work, agitate their students to enter a particular university. Such communication through opinion leaders allows to increase the level of trust and guarantees a greater perception of information. From researched domestic and foreign scientific sources that describe the PR tools in the system of strategic communications of universities, it becomes clear that there is a conscious need to use public relations in the communication of universities. Much of these researches highlight the importance of open days and social media posts that have the greatest potential. In addition, the article presents the own model of PR tools arsenal in the system of social communications of higher education institutions, which classifies them according to the speed of action, application and effectiveness.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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