Provision of Capacity Territorial Communities in Ukraine




1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article examines the essence of the concept of capacity of territorial communities in Ukraine in the context of local government reform. It is noted that one of the main tasks of local governments in the context of local government reform is to strengthen the capacity of the territorial community, which is able to ensure respect for the rights and interests of its inhabitants, as well as their protection. It is proved that strengthening the capacity of territorial communities is a process of increasing the ability of local governments to act within the law, implementing the rule of law. Gathering more powers and resources for the implementation of the united territorial communities, as well as responsibilities, should be the main result of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. That is why today the provision of the capacity of territorial communities is an urgent goal of both residents of territorial communities and local governments. It is noted that the territorial community, as an administrative-territorial unit of the basic level, is the integrity of the components: territorial-natural, demographic, economic, social and cultural-mental, and therefore is created by the criteria of historical certainty and socio-economic feasibility. It is proved that the capacity of the local community is the availability of budgetary, financial, resource, infrastructure and personnel conditions that determine the ability of the local community to provide quality public services to the population, as well as the ability to use their own potential — managerial, financial, economic, investment, human, public participation. It is noted that this area of research in the context of local government reform remains extremely relevant for further research.


Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

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