The Means of Mobile Communication as a Source of Forensically Significant Information




1. Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law


The article substantiates the need to study the means of mobile as a source of forensic information, because the possibilities of this type of communication are widely used in criminal activities, including during training, as well as in the commission and concealment of criminal offenses. As a result of the analysis of scientific works, which highlight the main approaches to defining the concept of «forensically significant information», supported the view of V. Biriukov that forensically significant is any information, regardless of origin and main purpose, which is important for the establishment of certain circumstances, objects and facts in the investigation process, as well as for the development and improvement of forensic knowledge. It is proved that the main types of criminologically significant information are evidentiary and indicative information. The legislative definition of mobile communication is considered, as well as the main components of this type of communication. It is noted that forensic information that arises as a result of the use of mobile means, mostly belongs to the category of digital information. The main properties of digital information and its types depending on the source of origin are determined. It is proposed to divide forensically significant information generated by the use of mobile communications into: information generated and stored directly in the mobile phone, including the phone's internal memory, SIM card and external storage (flash cards) and information generated and stored in the operating information systems and communication centers of the mobile operator. The list of information that can be used in the process of detection, investigation and prevention of criminal offenses, and which are contained directly in the mobile phone, as well as on the SIM card and flash cards used in it, and the telecommunications operator or provider. It is emphasized that some forensically significant information generated as a result of the use of mobile means of communication can be obtained only by conducting such covert investigative (search) actions as removing information from transport telecommunications networks and locating electronic equipment. As a result of the study, the author concluded that the analysis of forensic information that arose as a result of the use of mobile communications can confirm or deny the existence of a number of circumstances to be proved in criminal proceedings.


Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

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