Normative-Legal Regulation In Culture And Creative Industries: Insights From Ukraine And The EU




This article aims to investigate the specifics of harmonizing Ukrainian legislation in the field of culture and creative industries with the European Union's acquis. A comparative analysis of the regulatory frameworks governing the cultural and creative industries in Ukraine and the EU was conducted. The study identifies the features of regulatory drafting in the EU's cultural and creative industries sector, as well as the specifics of legislative processes in the EU related to these industries. The principles and approaches that can be applied to improve further the legal mechanisms of public administration in Ukraine's cultural and creative industries, considering new directions and perspectives of EU policy, are highlighted. Significant attention is paid to the formation of EU policy in the cultural and creative industries, which, according to the author, is important not only for harmonization but also for further improvement of legal mechanisms for managing the development of these sectors in Ukraine, considering new EU policy directions and prospects. The article examines international treaties ratified by Ukraine and their role in forming the legislative framework for the cultural and creative industries. The importance of a comprehensive approach to harmonizing legislation that considers both pan-European standards and national characteristics is noted. The article argues that implementing modern European principles into Ukrainian legislation can promote the effective development of the cultural and creative sectors and their integration into the European economic space. The conclusion is drawn that defining culture and creative industries as factors of economic growth and societal well-being is promising for further improvement of national legislation in these areas. The research highlights current EU approaches to regulating the cultural and creative industries and summarizes European experience in legal regulation in this sector. Practical recommendations are provided to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine regarding implementing a comprehensive study of the functioning of the cultural and creative industries in contemporary conditions. The goal is to substantiate priorities for further development of the sector scientifically and to develop an effective strategy for integrating Ukraine's cultural and creative industries into the EU economy.


Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

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