Formation of the Innovative Potential of Companies: the Result of Systematization and Generalization of Basic Research




1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The theoretical aspects of the formation of innovative potential of companies are summarized. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of innovative potential of companies based on systematization and generalization of fundamental scientific works. The study of literature indicates the need to ensure a systematic vision of the specified scientific problem at a qualitatively new level. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to develop scientifically based approaches to the formation of the innovative potential of companies. The essence of categorical concepts and characteristics of innovative potential is investigated. The economic essence of the innovative potential of companies and the features of its formation are determined. The conceptual apparatus characterizing the conceptual approach to innovation has been developed and supplemented. A systematic approach to the formation of the innovative potential of the company based on determining the structure of innovative resources of the company is considered. The resource aspects of the formation of the innovative potential of companies based on integrated, industry, factor, effective and combined approaches are considered. It is proved that the quality of innovative potential is determined not only by the size of certain resources, but also by their balance, the presence of optimal proportions between them. A review of the conditions for the formation of innovative potential and the features of its implementation are made. Improved methodological approaches to the formation of the innovative potential of the company based on the mechanism of rational decomposition of the elements of innovative potential. The stages of the formation of innovative potential of companies are considered. The factors stimulating the innovative activity of companies and the factors that limit them are identified and analysed. The terminological apparatus of scientific research has been expanded, which allows to optimize the complex of existing approaches to the formation of innovative potential of companies. The practical value of the research results is due to the need to improve innovative processes in companies by improving the mechanisms and methods of forming their innovative potential. Theoretical provisions and conclusions can be used to address issues related to the innovative development of business processes in companies and the management of their production activities. Keywords: innovative potential, companies, approaches, resources, formation.


Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law







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