The Role of Strategic Communication in Changing the Population’s Perception of the Risks to National Security


LUPULESCU Georgiana-Daniela,


"The increase in regional instability, generated by the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict as well as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have highlighted the need for effective governance through the application of tools aimed at providing security to the citizens. The development of technology, which has led to unrestricted access to information, has also created the emergence of new types of threats, such as fake-news, propaganda or disinformation, threats that require punctual, flexible and adaptable methods to counter, diminish or eliminate. A very good knowledge of the specifics of the Romanian people and their perception of security risks is required. Starting from the premise that the mentioned threats have already manifested, resulting in a wrong perception of the population on security risks, a tool that has proven its effectiveness since Antiquity and that can be used by the state, through its institutions, could be represented by strategic communication. This article first addresses the issue of the population’s perception of security risks, then issues related to strategic communication, and as a final research direction, the way in which risk perception can be changed through StratCom."


Unitatea Militara 02515RM Bucuresti

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