Războiul cognitiv – dincolo de manevre, dominație și informații. O confruntare pentru viitorul imaginat


Pripoae-Șerbănescu Ciprian,


This theoretical paper explores the nascent concept of cognitive warfare in the context of persistently low-intensity forms of confrontation and of an increasingly rich environment in technologies that provide greater opportunities for influence operations. As the hybridity of conflicts has become prevalent, it is of special interest to investigate the relevance of the cognitive warfare concept (CW) in shaping the informational-psychological threats posed by hostile entities. By analysing the current features of CW as presented by various sources, this article aims to contribute to the conceptual development of this notion. The great diversity of definitions suggests a challenge in delineating what is CW, thus the author argues for a threshold between what is a mere, benign influence and what stands as a threat/attack in the cognitive realm, by using a novel approach to cognitive security. Consequently, we will underline what we consider the limits of the current understanding of CW, as presented in current public papers, and make suggestions for a more refined model to think about cognitive warfare based on active inference theory. In conclusion, we will indicate the risks associated with the use of the concept information, and the necessity to integrate CW and cognitive security in a longue durée perspective, one that acknowledges current societal and cultural transformations.


Unitatea Militara 02515RM Bucuresti

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