Construcții provizorii pentru facilități militare – soluții pentru creșterea adaptabilității și eficienței –


Segal Adina,


Temporary constructions involve structures that can be quickly assembled or disassembled and easily modified. Since the adaptability they offer is essential in the conduct of military actions, in the development of permanent infrastructure and last but not least in post-disaster interventions, they play a significant role in the defence infrastructure framework. Real estate investments of the Ministry of National Defense (MApN) must comply with both national legislative frameworks and departmental regulations. Temporary facilities are no exception. By analysing the regulations applicable for their implementation, the article briefly presents the typologies of temporary constructions defined by military regulations, the stages of technical documentation development and the conditions for authorising execution works, as well as some considerations on the opportunity to create a regulation dedicated to temporary military constructions.


Unitatea Militara 02515RM Bucuresti

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