Purwandari Nuraini,Fryonanda Harfebi,Ibrahim Roy
Objective: Purpose: This research aims to build a system that can make it easier for farmers to detect dragon fruit diseases presented in the form of a website. The system is used to be able to anticipate in overcoming a decrease in production or harvest levels.
Methodology: The methodology used in this research is to take samples using the purposive sampling method can be used to make certain considerations. These considerations are based on samples obtained from experts on dragon fruit plant diseases. Then the samples were analyzed using the forward chaining method to obtain conclusions about disease diagnoses in dragon fruit plants using predetermined rules.
Results: The results of this study are in the form of a website that can provide information about the disease and its symptoms to dragon fruit farmers. Using purposive sampling can increase the value of the accuracy of disease diagnosis.
Implication: This study presents a system to make it easier for farmers to detect dragon fruit diseases. It is presented as a website so that farmers can easily access it. This paper provides a valuable reference for farmers and the public to analyze the diseases in dragon fruit plants easily.
CSRC Publishing, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy
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