Rahmayanti Ardhana,Hamidah Laily Noer,Afkar Khilyatul,Rosyidah Elsa
Objective: The existence of rice straw waste and wood sawdust is a potential that can be used as bio-briquettes to improve the community's economy. Agricultural waste is an environmentally friendly energy source that has contributed to one-tenth of primary energy consumption. Bio- briquettes have the opportunity to substitute fossil fuels by utilizing wasted biomass and increasing the economic empowerment of local communities. This research was conducted to examine business development strategies and energy produced by bio-briquettes from waste rice straws and wood sawdust.
Methodology: Business development strategy analysis is carried out by forming farmer groups and branding for their businesses, and the production of bio-briquettes is carried out by carbonation and gluing methods.
Results: Marketing and improvement of bio-briquette products are carried out by forming groups of farmers and creating their business names. This study found that the bio-briquette business has a positive influence on improving the local community's economy. The results of the research show that the bio-briquettes that have been made have the potential to become a business opportunity at the household level that has the quality that meets SNI 016235-2000.
Implication: This research focuses on developing the household economy with a cause marketing strategy and provides an overview of briquette product marketing efforts that have the opportunity to substitute fossil fuels by utilizing wasted biomass and increasing the economic empowerment of the local community. This research was conducted to examine strategies for developing household businesses that are useful for business start- ups after COVID-19.
CSRC Publishing, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy
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