1. Clinical and Epidemiological Research Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University, Hadat, Lebanon
Introduction: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) represents a tailored educational methodology with the potential to fortify psychological connections and nurture fundamental cognitive skills in children, encompassing attention, memory, thinking, and speech. Recognizing the pivotal influence of teachers in student observation, mentorship, and motivation, this study investigates the transformative impact of NLP interventions on primary schoolchildren facing an elevated risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Methods: Carried out over a five-month duration within a Lebanese private school, this cohort study engaged 130 students (mean age: 8.7 years) spanning grades 1 to 5. NLP activities were systematically implemented, and assessments before and after the intervention relied on comprehensive teachers' reports, employing the NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale. Caregivers provided sociodemographic data, and the data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 29. Results: The sample, predominantly composed of females (60.5%) and evenly distributed across grades, had sociodemographic data predominantly supplied by mothers (82.6%), averaging an age of 39.7 years with predominantly high education levels. Initial screening identified 9.3% as primarily inattentive, 5.4% as predominantly hyperactive, and 1.6% with ADHD combined with inattentive hyperactivity. Post-NLP, these percentages diminished to zero. Risks of oppositional/conduct and anxiety/depression disorders also decreased. Inattentive symptoms, encompassing attention to detail, losing activity-related items, and avoiding mentally demanding tasks, significantly improved post-NLP. Hyperactivity symptoms, such as excessive talking, interrupting others, fidgeting, and difficulty waiting in line, markedly improved. Reduced worry, anxiety, spitefulness, and fear were observed, accompanied by increased negative behaviors like lying and destroying others' belongings. Academic performance, notably in written expression, demonstrated improvement (18% to 9.1%; p=0.05).
Conclusion: Teachers reported substantial enhancements in children at high risk of ADHD following NLP interventions. This study underscores the critical role of teacher-student bonds, student motivation, confidence, and collaborative parent-teacher efforts in cultivating successful learning environments.