Choosing conservative therapy in acute hemorrhoids


Blagodarny L. A.1,Abritsova M. V.2,Zhdankina S. N.3


1. Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education GBOU DPO; A.N. Ryzhikh State Scientifi c Centre of Coloproctology

2. Maka Med LLC

3. L.A. Vorobokhov City Clinical Hospital No 67 GBUZ


The article presents the results of conservative therapy in patients with acute hemorrhoids over a 7-day follow-up period. A prospective, randomized study was based on the evidence base for the efficacy of the micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) used for the treatment of patients with hemorrhoidal disease. The use of MPFF in patients with acute hemorrhoids showed a statistically significant reduction of pain intensity, analgesics consumption, and intensity of bleeding.


Remedium, Ltd.

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