New drugs (enzymes and probiotics) in clinical practice


Мinushkin О. N.1ORCID


1. Central State Medical Academy of Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation


In different periods of time, the leading pathology determining pharmacotherapy has become one that has reached a new level of study. At present, this pathology is intestinal flora disorder, which affects the trophicity of the intestinal wall, functional disorder and the formation of pain. The second type of disorder is enzyme insufficiency, which forms polypathology. These two disorders are primarily targeted by the search for pharmacological agents (their synthesis) for more successful treatment. This report provides information on two new drugs that qualify as dietary supplements. The first belongs to the group of probiotics (metabiotic), the second to the group of enzymes (predominantly herbal). Documents for registration were submitted by “Vitabiotics” in 2020. They are currently approved for use. Supporting materials have been submitted by the company and include two reviews and results of the effectiveness of the treatment of different gastrointestinal pathologies (organic and functional) with the indicated drugs in 613 patients. The clinical effects shown by the authors are associated with normalisation of the intestinal flora and restoration of functional disorders (or in reverse sequence, normalisation of motility followed by normalisation of the flora carried by the metabiotic). The second drug contains a set of herbal enzymes. Its effects are as good as those of animal enzymes, it expands the range of nosologies of use and has ‘psychological benefits’. Overall, the results are evaluated as positive, no severe complications have occurred. Lactase deficiency, which is quite common, is highlighted as a prospective use.


Remedium, Ltd.


General Medicine

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