Application of mucosecretolytics of plant origin in otorinolaryngology


Serebryakova I. Yu.1ORCID,Garashchenko T. I.2ORCID,Kuznetsov A. O.2ORCID,Akhinyan A. O.1ORCID


1. National Medical Research Center of Otorhinolaryngology

2. National Medical Research Center of Otorhinolaryngology; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


In modern otorhinolaryngology the use of herbal remedies, so-called clinical homeopathy, is widely used both as a basic and as part of complex therapy. A special place among this category belongs to medicines with secretolytic and mucolytic properties. This is due to the developed mucociliary system of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, which primarily suffers in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Most chemical mucoactive preparations have only one of the three mucosecretolytic effects and have a large number of contraindications. Herbal preparations, such as those containing Myrtol standardized, have secretolytic and mucolytic properties at the same time. Phytopreparations have deservedly occupied a leading place in the treatment of otorhinolaryngological diseases, as they have practically no contraindications and are successfully used in patients with comorbid pathology, children of all age groups and pregnant women. The efficacy of using preparations containing Myrtol standardized in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and chronic atrophic diseases of the upper respiratory tract has been studied in a number of randomized clinical trials. The authors analysed 21 literature sources, reflecting the results of using mucosecretolytic drugs in otorhinolaryngology. In the complex treatment of acute rhinosinusitis and rhinopharyngitis the use of natural mucosecretolytic drugs significantly reduces the period of disability and avoids bacterial complications in both adult and paediatric practice. Mucolytic and antioxidant properties of preparations containing Myrtol allow for long-term effective therapy of subatrophic and atrophic processes of pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa in elderly patients with comorbid pathology. An analysis of randomised trials has proven the efficacy of plant-based mucosecretolytics in the treatment of not only acute but also chronic upper respiratory tract diseases


Remedium, Ltd.


General Medicine

Reference21 articles.

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