Psoriasis of a pilar part of the head - pathogenetic therapy


Kovaleva Ju. S.1ORCID,Komkina N. G.1ORCID


1. Altay State Medical University


The relevance of psoriasis is caused by prevalence of a disease, a long chronic current, frequent, is long the proceeding recurrence. According to modern representations psoriasis - one of the most widespread chronic inflammatory dermatosis with primary damage of skin and probably genetically determined immune disturbances which are implemented under the influence of a number of trigger factors, demonstrating inflammatory process in a derma, are followed by permanent disturbance of proliferation and a morphological differentiation of keratinotsit. Diverse clinical manifestations are characteristic of psoriasis: from the single, plentifully shelled papules or plaques of pinkish-red color to an erythrosis, psoriasis arthritis, generalized or limited pustulous psoriasis. Defeat of a pilar part of the head - the most widespread localization of a dermatosis also meets at 80% of patients with psoriasis, in 25% of cases psoriasis of skin of a pilar part of the head proceeds separately. Fast and effective treatment of psoriasis of a pilar part of the head is of great importance as the worst indicator of the index of quality of life is noted at patients with this problem - 82% of the patients suffering from a dermatosis have constant feeling of discomfort and are stigmatized that serves as the reason of deep social isolation and disadaptation. According to the clinical recommendations of the Russian society of dermatovenerologists about external therapy of psoriasis with manifestations on a pilar part of the head, topical glucocorticosteroids in a combination with salicylic acid in the form of various dosage forms belong to drugs of the first line. In article data of own clinical experience of use of the solution containing betamethasone Dipropionas and salicylic acid are stated (Akriderm of SK solution). The good efficiency of medicine concerning psoriasis on a pilar part of the head, convenience of use of a dosage form in the form of solution, fast approach of clinical result at patients with involvement of head skin is noted.


Remedium, Ltd.

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