1. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology
Increasing number of anovulatory cycles in the perimenopause, leading to relative hyperestrogenism, and persistent hypoestrogenism in postmenopause, increase the proliferative activity and change the endometrium morphology. That is associated with higher rates of intrauterine pathology. The prevalence of atypical hyperplasia and endometrial cancer in women of the peri- and postmenopausal periods reaches its maximum values. Therefore, one of the most important concepts of patient’s management is to exclude malignant and precancerous endometrial pathology. Significant hormonal changes leads to important confounders in diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. It could lead to both hypo- and hyperdiagnosis. The review analyzes the main causes of abnormal uterine bleeding, the features of their clinical manifestation, taking into account probable iatrogenic causes, extrauterus and extragenital sources of spotting. This article reviews the principles of ultrasound examination, considering menstrual cycle phase, duration of menopause, hormone treatment, as well as indications for endometrial biopsy, in case of inconsistency of clinical presentation, ultrasound results, menopausal status and iatrogenic factors. We describe the relevant principles of medical correction, wait-and-see tactics and surgical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, both in the presence of organic pathology of the endometrium, and in its absence.
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