Education as a special social institution develops in the system of pedagogical activity and evolves along with culture. The main goals of education are to prepare a person for life in society according to its laws, moral and legal norms, as well as according to the principles of spirituality. In other words, education is more responsible for the formation of the axiological subsystem of human culture. Historically, the upbringing of the younger generation is engaged in various subjects of socialization: the family, educational institutions, public organizations, etc., among which the Church occupies a special place. In our country, due to the prevailing social circumstances, the Church was excluded from participation in the educational process for many years. Today, the state and the public, realizing the spiritual damage that Russia suffered during the years of the USSR, perestroika, and then the spiritual crisis, are trying to restore the lost traditions of the Church's participation in the upbringing of the younger generation. The interaction of religious and secular education has its own canons, mechanisms, and development trajectories. But in the new conditions of the information society, in the conditions of the loss of a whole generation of people who keep these traditions and are able to pass them on to the younger generation, the resumption of such interaction faces a certain range of problems and difficulties. The authors of this study have studied the most relevant and controversial works of modern scientists, teachers, and theologians on the integration of secular and religious education in modern conditions. The study showed that the Institute of secular education is not ready to create a basis for such interaction, and the religious Institute can not cope with this task alone. This is explained by many factors and reasons that require separate research, which will be the subject of our further work.
Association "Professional Analytics of Autopoiesis Systems"
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