The digital economy is a new trend in the development of economic activity. Its main feature is the use of information technologies and electronic devices in the implementation of all business processes. Technological progress makes it possible to automate many areas and thereby modernize and optimize the solution of basic issues. The introduction of digital systems not only simplifies many activities, but also contributes to the emergence of new forms of economic activity. So, for example, one of the main concepts of the new time was the conduct of electronic business. This type is the management of electronic affairs: online stores, virtual money, and more. It has a number of advantages, but it is not the only innovative element of the digital economy. Almost all countries are focused on maximizing the use of innovation in economic activities. You can already see some positive results of the functioning of information systems: for example, an increase in world GDP. However, the spread of economic information technologies is uneven. There are advanced leading countries that use technology in their activities by more than 50%. Russia has average results, but the conditions of modern times are such that in order to conduct business without losses, it is necessary to reduce the gap as soon as possible. However, the introduction of information technologies requires a large amount of costs, both financial and time. The first aspect is dominant and reduces the availability of technology, and with it the development of the digital economy.
Association "Professional Analytics of Autopoiesis Systems"
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