The role of the banking system in supporting the financial equilibrium of the enterprises: the case of Ukraine


Yehorycheva Svitlana1ORCID,Gudz Tetiana2ORCID,Krupka Mykhailo3ORCID,Kolodiziev Oleh4ORCID,Tarasevych Nataliіa5ORCID


1. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Management, Institute for Personal Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine

2. Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, Poltava University of Economics and Trade

3. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

4. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Banking and Financial Services, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv

5. Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Banking Odessa National Economic University


The financial equilibrium (“financial health”) of the enterprises is a prerequisite for their sustainable development, which ensures macroeconomic stability of the economy and the welfare of the state. It should be supported by the banking system, which performs the function of the effective reallocation of capital. Recently, the Ukrainian banking system itself is in a challenging situation and is undergoing a period of transformation. The purpose of the study is to assess how sufficiently the banking system of Ukraine supports the financial equilibrium of enterprises and to find the possibilities to strengthen its role in the progress of the real sector of economy. The authors single out three stages of financial equilibrium growth; each of them can be supported by the relevant banking services. The empirical analysis proves that the Ukrainian banks successfully ensure only the first stage, namely, liquidity balancing. To quantitatively assess the role of the banking system in supporting the enterprises’ financial equilibrium, a multivariate regression applying mathematical gnostic analysis in the program shell R Console is used. The research makes it possible to find out that only the economy monetization, the share of time deposits of economic entities and growth rate of mortgage loans have a positive effect. The authors conclude that the problems of both enterprises and the banking system are in the sphere of development and implementation of government economic policy and are aggravated by the restrictive monetary policy.


LLC CPC Business Perspectives


Finance,Management of Technology and Innovation,Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Law

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