Patterns and trends in research on external public debt management


Razinkova Mila1ORCID,Grynko Tetiana2ORCID,Nebaba Natalia3ORCID,Botvinov Rostislav4ORCID,Pryimachenko Dmytro5ORCID


1. Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine

2. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine

3. Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Modeling, Accounting and Statistics, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine

4. D.Sc. in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine

5. Doctor of Law, Professor, Vice-Rector, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine


This study undertakes a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of publications pertaining to the external public debt management system. The paper aims to study the evolution of scholarly discourse surrounding the external public debt management domain, highlighting contributions, methodologies, and collaborative networks within the field. The methodology encompasses a multivariate approach, incorporating extensive searches across the three major scientometric databases: Google Scholar (PoP), Scopus (in-built Scopus tools, SciVal), and Web of Science (in-built WoS instruments). The bibliometric analysis extends to contextual, evolutionary, and spatial dimensions, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the identified clusters. The ensuing clusters serve as a roadmap, categorizing publications based on their contextual relevance, evolutionary trajectory, and spatial focus, which enhances the identification of key works in the field, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the current state of external public debt management research. The synthesis of findings from the content-contextual block emphasizes a primary orientation toward understanding the dynamic interplay between external public debt management and economic development. Furthermore, the contextual-temporal block identifies four distinct stages in the evolution of research focus, highlighting the shifting emphasis over time. A discernible pattern of heightened research activity in external public debt management across various countries in recent decades is revealed through spatiotemporal analysis. The interdisciplinary nature of this field is underscored by the dominance of economics, econometrics, finance, business, management, and accounting in dedicated research.


LLC CPC Business Perspectives


Public Administration,Economics and Econometrics,Finance,Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)

Reference48 articles.

1. Study of the Standard Relationship between the Money Supply and the Exchange Rate in Algeria during the Period (1990/2020)

2. Impact of public debt profile on economic growth: Evidence from Nigeria

3. Macroeconomic determinants of Jordan’s external debt in the period 1980–2022 using ARDL

4. The impact of monetary policy tools in achieving monetary stability in Algeria: Approach by the ARDL model

5. Bogdan, T. P. (2013). Derzhavnyi borh Ukrainy: Osoblyvosti formuvannia ta upravlinnia v suchasnykh umovakh [State debt of Ukraine: Features of formation and management in modern conditions]. Finansy Ukrainy – Finance of Ukraine, 1, 32-46. (In Ukrainian). -







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