The current state of the energy market and monitoring of key issues in the innovation management system


Barna Stepan1ORCID,Shpak Yaroslav1ORCID


1. Researcher, Department of International Tourism and Hotel Business, Ternopil National University of Economics


This paper considers the factors influencing the innovative development of energy service enterprises. The study aims to establish the relationship between the regulatory policy in the field of energy, the willingness of the population to use energy efficiency measures and the innovative potential of energy service companies. The generalization of scientific work on energy and environmental security has shown the relevance of developing mechanisms to reform the energy service market, taking into account the level of innovative development and management at the level of the energy service company. Accordingly, five energy companies from the western region of Ukraine (OJSC Ternopiloblenergo, PJSC Lvivoblenergo, JSC Chernivtsioblenergo, PJSC Rivneoblenergo, PJSC Volynoblenergo) were selected as objects for the study. Methodological research tools were the methods of focus group, personal interview, variations, statistical observation, induction, deduction, and generalization. The study presents external and internal factors influencing the innovative development of energy service enterprises. It is noted that the level of innovative development of personnel in the energy sector is low. The importance of strengthening cooperation of energy service enterprises with united territorial communities to implement the approved legal norms of energy market reform in Ukraine is taken into account. Among the measures to strengthen the motivation of the population to use energy-saving technologies, the intensification of media and information activities was noted. The results of the study can be useful for managers of energy service companies, heads of joint territorial communities and joint co-owners of apartment buildings, researchers working on energy efficiency projects.


LLC CPC Business Perspectives


General Medicine

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