1. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Finance, Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Jendouba (Tunisie)
2. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Finance, Higher Institute of Finance and Taxation-Sousse (Tunisie)
The authors examine the impact of the relationship between two types of financial innovation and bank performance. The research attempts to test hypotheses that are not yet validated by previous studies focusing on the financial services industry, thus, giving the study an exploratory look. The authors try, specifically, to determine the interaction effect of both types of financial innovation on bank performance and, then, try to enrich innovation theory with new hypotheses on product and process innovation. The results show that Tunisian banks have begun, probably, to see the importance or the need for the simultaneous adoption of two types of financial innovation since 1995 to improve their poor performance. The authors also find that the interaction effect of product and process innovation reduces profitability. However, efficiency is achieved in terms of market share and value. The authors conclude that financial innovation is a value creation instrument for Tunisian banks
LLC CPC Business Perspectives
Finance,Management of Technology and Innovation,Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Law
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2 articles.