Assessment of financial and economic security of Ukraine in conditions of foreign banking development


Vladychyn Ulyana1ORCID,Skomorovych Iryna1ORCID,Lobozynska Sophia2ORCID


1. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Banking and Insurance Business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

2. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Banking and Insurance Business, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


The article assesses the influence of foreign banks on the financial and economic security of Ukraine. A scientific and methodological approach to the determination of the influence of foreign banks on the financial and economic security of the state using the correlation and regression analysis as well as scenario approach is offered. Such approach reflects mutual links between the indicators of foreign banking and the main indicators of financial and economic security of Ukraine. On the basis of analysis of foreign banking development, the indicators of financial and economic security of Ukraine have been forecasted. Positive and negative consequences of such influence in conditions of cyclic and crisis development of the national economy and bank system have been substantiated.


LLC CPC Business Perspectives


Finance,Management of Technology and Innovation,Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Law

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